
It is that time of the week again when we participate in the One Word at a Time Blog Carnival. This week the word is Community. I look forward to writing these little meditations for this carnival and I thank those who organize it for allowing me to share.

I find this work very interesting as I often preach on Community as well as Communion. We Christians work out our salvation not in isolation but in Community. Community is very important in this object of working out our Community.

I serve a very small Community here and everyone knows everyone else and for the most part everyone is related to someone else in the parish. This can be good and it can be bad. It’s good because everyone knows about you and it can be bad because everyone knows about you! But a Community filled with love and the love of God is well worth the effort.

Humans need to interact with other humans. We are not used to spending long hours of the day on our own. Interaction is very important in our growth and spiritual development. Let us look for community where we can find it.

What have you done to help build community here you are?


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this:

    "This can be good and it can be bad. It's good because everyone knows about you and it can be bad because everyone knows about you!"

    Such a true statement! We certainly do need human interaction… but no one said it would be easy.

    Thanks for posting!

  2. I'm pretty sure this is my first time here, so nice to "meet" you. You're right. We were not meant to live our lives on our own. How can you be part of the Body of Christ if you're not working together with the other parts?

    Good post. Thank you.

  3. Father, I loved your post, because its simple and powerful, and I get the message right away, I do not have to look it up in the dictionary.

    We must , accept the good and the bad n all, because we all have both. good…

  4. I'm so glad you join us in the carnival every time. I love reading your contributions!

    You're right, community is essential and I'm very happy that you're part of our carnival community!

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