The Season of Lent can and should be a time of deepening your spiritual practice. Part of that practice should include daily reading from Scripture. As I did during the Advent Season, I am starting a Scripture Journey for Lent.
Starting on Ash Wednesday and for the days following, I will send a daily email that includes prayer as well as a passage of Scripture to assist you along the path of Lent. I hope that these days of Lent will help you increase your spiritual practice and deepen your love of Scripture.
If you wish to participate, send me an email, and I will add you to the list and look for the first email on Ash Wednesday, February 26, 2020
This daily email will make the process of the journey that much easier to participate in since it will be there in your mailbox each morning. I promise I won’t spam you and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Please join me on this Scripture Journey for Lent and let us reclaim Lent as a time of Spiritual Preparation.