The 4 Stages of the Christian Life


The hunger of the human situation does not end in Jesus Christ it only grows stronger. The restless soul is at rest, and the hungry heart gets satisfied.

So what steps can one take to fins this rest?

  1. We seek Jesus. We come to the realization that we cannot make this journey alone, that our lives are out of balance, and we need to find the equilibrium and we find this in Jesus. We meet Jesus in the pages of the New Testament; we read his words and his story, and they come to be part of our lives. We find Jesus in the teachings of the Church where we, hopefully, see others living this life and learn from their example. And we see Jesus in each other.  Remember, we may be the only Bible people ever read.
  2. Having sought him and found him, we then come to him. Jesus is not some distant being but dwells with us not as a judge but as fried and desires a personal, intimate life with us. We find Jesus as an accessible person and as a friend that will not let us down and will never leave us no matter what we do.
  3. We believe in him. But our belief requires a surrendering of part of ourselves and our will. We no longer live for ourselves alone, but we live for God and his Son Jesus Christ.  We have to bend our will to his will and our lives to his life, the life that he wants us to live.  We submit to his authority as one who knows what is best for us but again, not as a judge but as a friend and a guide.
  4. The entire process, whether we call it sanctification, theosis, or another name gives us new life and brings us to a closer and more meaningful relationship with God and the salvation that is available to all. This salvation is free and universal but requires that we submit to his will, and this remains the most stubborn part of the spiritual life.

Following the steps is not easy and can take a lifetime but there is no better time to start than right now at this moment.

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