From the Russian Patriarchate
His Holiness
the Pope
Your Holiness!
I congratulate you on your election to the high and responsible service to the Primate of the Roman Catholic Church.
When your predecessor – Pope Benedict XVI – the relationship between the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches have received new impetus and were marked by positive dynamics. I sincerely hope that Your Holiness and promoting co-operation between our two Churches will be developed in the spirit of brotherly love and mutual understanding.
At his accession to the papacy you chose the name Francis, which recalls the famous saints example of sacrificial devotion to the suffering people, and zealous preaching of the Gospel. This is seen as your desire to continue to care for the poor and the suffering, in which you have expressed compassion and love for many years of your service in Argentina, carrying on the preaching of Christ crucified and resurrected the modern world.
The same service is now a priority for the Russian Orthodox Church, which opens the possibility for co-operation and interaction with the Roman Catholic Church.
Orthodox and Catholics today are also designed to work together to protect the Christians in need of support and participation, were harassed and persecuted in various parts of the world. Joint labor is required for the approval of traditional moral values in modern secular societies.
Please accept, Your Holiness, my best wishes for peace, spiritual strength and physical strength to the generous support of God’s coming to you in a responsible ministry.
With fraternal affection in the Lord,
+ Kirill,
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia
Wonderful news. This would be a thousand plus year victory if the Church of the West and Church of the East to unite once again. There is only one Church: Church of Christ Jesus as in the beginning 2000 years ago. This is my daily prayer for years because I had an Orthodox father and a Roman Catholic mother and I studied religion to find out why they were always quarreling about their religions. I found out they belonged together so prayed for the unity of the Eastern Greek Orthodox and Western Catholic Church. This will unite many families and bring peace to many nations. Thank you for the comforting and good news that it may happen in my time.
Prayer Request For World Peace Now – I pray for world peace to be fully realized now, and for this peace to last forever after, and I ask for all of this in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.
Please pray for this prayer request above, and please share it with everyone! Until it comes true, and world peace forever becomes a reality! Thank you very much! God bless you always! 🙂