One Word at a Time ~ Laughter

For the past few months I have been participation, off and on, with a blog carnival. The idea is you get as many bloggers as you can to blog about the same topic on the same day. This time around the word is Laughter. Here is my contribution.

Laughter is a very important human emotion. From our earliest days we know how to laugh. We laugh before we even talk or walk. I think we cry first but laughter has to be second. That in my mind makes it a very important emotion.

I am a priest in the Romanian Orthodox Church. Most people will think I am a very serious person. Serious is good and I can be serious when I need to be but I love to laugh. I also love to laugh at myself. I don’t think we should take ourselves too serious.

I use humor in my sermons, partly because I love to laugh, but also because I think it is a good tool to use when trying to get a serious point across. They might not remember exactly what you are trying to say but if you throw some humor in there they just might remember it.

I have an image of Jesus laughing. I can see him sitting with his family or his disciples and maybe someone tells a joke or a funny story and Jesus laughing. I like to think of this when times get difficult.

So next time you feel yourself getting too serious, just think of something funny and laugh right out loud. It will make you feel much better.


  1. It's hard to imagine Jesus not laughing. He had the whole range of human emotions, but it's interesting to me that the New Testament never cites him laughing. But in my mind I do have a picture of him dancing at the wedding in Cana, laughing in joy for the couple being wed.

  2. When I was a child I thought of Jesus has a serious person until I read the book "Jesus".I began to understand that Jesus loved people and there company.
    Now I always picture Jesus has a happy person who loved us like a father loves his children.linda

  3. If you could only imagine the warmth between His mother and Him I'm sure there had to be some giggles in there somewhere. Especially, when He was a little boy. We often forget what being human means. Nice picture, too!

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