Orthodox Unity

From Monday, May 24th – Thursday May 28th all of the canonical Orthodox Bishops in North America will be gathering for a historic meeting in new York City. Under the chairmanship of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, the bishop will gather to discuss Orthodox Unity in North America. All of the canonical bishops have been invited and some 60 bishops will attend this meeting.

Please pray for our church leaders that the power of the Holy Spirit will come upon them and the meetings will be fruitful.

As a way of preparation and understanding of this meeting, I have posted several links below to some documents and blog posts about the meeting.

Essential Documents for Understanding the Process (Orthodox Christian Laity)

Our Best Chance Yet (Ancient Faith Radio)

The Road to Unity (Ancient Faith Radio)

Unraveling Chambesy – Administrative Unity In Our Time (Ancient Faith Radio)

Fourth Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference in Chambesy (SCOBA)

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