The Manhattan Declaration

A declaration signed by Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant leaders released a document today affirming the traditional Christian teachings on abortion, same sex marriage, and religious freedom. It pledges not to cooperate with the government on any of these issues.

Met. Jonah of the OCA has once again show his leadership on these issue and was the highest ranking Orthodox Bishop to sign the declaration.

Other Orthodox signatories

His Grace, The Right Reverend Bishop Basil Essey The Right Reverend Bishop of the Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America (Wichita, KS)

Fr. Chad Hatfield Chancellor, CEO. And Archpriest, St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (Yonkers, NY)

Fr. Johannes L. Jacobse President, American Orthodox Institute and Editor, (Naples, FL)

Fr. Patrick Reardon Pastor, All Saints’ Antiochian Orthodox Church (Chicago, IL)

Alexander F. C. Webster Archpriest, Orthodox Church in America and Associate Professorial Lecturer, The George Washington University (Ft. Belvoir, VA)

Please read to the entire document here

h/t AOI Blog


  1. It is good news for all Americans that Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant leaders signed the Manhattan Declaration, thus pledging not to cooperate with the government on abortion, same sex marriages, and religious freedom.

    Let's hope that the federal government gets the message, and supports traditional Christian teachings in the future.

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