
For some years now I have been praying about a monastic foundation here in Central Massachusetts. Before my conversion to Holy Orthodoxy I was a professed member of Our Lady of Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham, Massachusetts a Benedictine Community.

A few weeks back I had lunch with Fr. Ken from Emmanuel Orthodox Church in Warren, Massachusetts and I shared with him my desire to bring monasticism here. We chatted for some time and then we discovered a wonder piece of land that might be available. So we have been praying and writing and working on a plan to bring a monastery here to Central Massachusetts.

The patron of this Monastery is St. Columba of Iona. We choose St. Columba because of his missionary zeal and because he was the founder of a great monastery on the Isle of Iona of the coast of Scotland. Part of this monastic foundation will be a school if you will or a Center of Church Growth and Evangelism. We hope to train clergy and lay people on how to grow and plant churches and we intend to found mission parishes all over New England.

Although we do not have the property yet we have established a website with out vision and we are looking for folks to partner with us either as monastics or prayer partners. We are also looking for some financial help.

If you are interested in exploring the monastic life email me or leave some feedback here and I will get back to you as well as if you wish to partner with us in prayer or financial help. you may view the monastery website here.

We do have a vision and mission document that I would be happy to send you if you wish just email me from this link.

1 Comment

  1. Good timing…
    In two years (2012)
    every day
    10,000 people will be turning 65

    That is… for many
    the daily structure that they have known through their employment will no longer be there… leaving them open to The Work of God…

    Also… for many
    they will be women who have survived their husbands.

    Eventually, nearly 80% of those over 70 will be women alone.

    Open your heart to these vocations… prayerfully…
    and tenderly… and may God guide you.

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