Lifestyle Change Update

A few weeks ago I decided that I needed to make some changes in my life regarding finances as well as weight. So I am following Dave Ramsey’s plan to get my money right and I decided to get some weight off.

By all accounts I am several pounds overweight. I began listening to and reading Cliff Ravenscraft’s podcast and blog Pursuing a Balanced Life and began this journey. By a simple modification of what I eat and exercise I have to date lost about 10 pounds and dropped 2 inches off my waist.

The biggest part of this is setting goals. Of course weight loss and financial freedom should be enough but I wanted to set a good goal. So I wish to run a 5k in the fall. Not sure where yet that will come latter on but for now just know that I am going to run.

So today was day two of my running workout. I found this workout called from Couch Potato to 5k in six weeks. Start off slow, and build is the name of the game. This week I workout three days a week. Start with a 5 minute brisk walk to warm up and the alternate between running for one minute and walking for a minute and a half do this for 20 minutes. That’s it for this week. In the following weeks it will ramp up a little at a time.

Watch these pages for continued updates as well as the date for the big run! Prayer are welcome.


  1. You're a better person than me, Fr. Peter, and I applaud you for your efforts. And I look forward to hearing when the run date is.

    I've managed to keep the weight off that I lost while I was out on medical leave, but getting to the gym and working out is a challenge because of my work schedule. I'm doing what I can to modify that, though.

    Definitely say a prayer for you, my friend.

  2. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!its hard to lose weight and stick to an exercise program,never mind save money,you can do it keep up the good work…
    Hey if you can't find a 5k this fall get ahold of a charity and see if you can do a run for life or ms run,something like that.make the opurtunity if you can't find it..I'll help you run it if you want,we just need to do it on my weekend off,I've never done one before so it'll be a learning experience for both of us..linda

  3. If a person is overweight, he or she should try to lose weight by several ways: Reducing unnecessary food snacks, exercising, and walking or jogging for a mile or more at least every other day.In losing several pounds, a person will usually feel better, in addition to being in a healthier condition.

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