I have not really been following all of the event going on in Iran but it looks like there is a change in the air. Last night it was announced that the present president had won reelection. Then there were the claims of fraud and now it seems that the head cleric of Iran is calling for an
investigation into the election. I have also been following the people Twitter in on twitter.com about the situation. The folks in Iran are using twitter to communicate with the outside world. Twitter has changed
their scheduled maintenance
because of the use and is asking people to not use the names of folks in Iran when speaking of what is going on. You can follow all of the tweets by
logging on to twitter.com and follow #
iranelection. I found the icon on the left on a page on twitter and have changed my profile picture on both twitter and
facebook to use this icon. Please feel
free to copy it and use so the people in Iran will know that we stand with them and please pray for those involved in the protest that they will be safe and all will be well.
Because there are claims of fraud in the presidential election in Iran, it is good news that the head cleric of Iran is calling for an investigation into this election. I hope that the investigation shows that the current president of Iran lost the election, since he is a radical tyrant, who has insulted Israel as well as the United States.
Because there are claims of fraud in the recent presidential election in Iran, it is good news that the head cleric of Iran is calling for an investigation into this election. I hope that the investigation shows that the current president of Iran has lost the election, since he is a radical tyrant who has insulted Israel as well as the United States.
I stand behind the choices of the Iranian people,unfortunitly Iran is a theocracy and as such is run by the clerics,so no matter who is appointed they are only a figure head and has such hold no real power.
but who knows maybe change is in the air for them.one step at a time.freedom is every man and womans right.linda