Loss of Life

For those of you reading who live in the Village with me you know by now that we had a suicide on Monday. A poor distraught man took his own life in the parking lot of the local grocery store. What a horrible thing this will be for his family. Pray for this man and for his family.

It does however bring to mind that during this time of year people face all kinds of troubles and with the economy the way it is it makes it worse. Monique over on the Getting Involved Blog has put together a list of resources in the area for folks that are having a hard time. Also as of this writing there are still about 27,000 people in the area without power since last Thursday and they are being told it could be the weekend before the power is restored. I also heard last night that some folks may be without power until after the first of the year!

On my weekly radio show Father Peter Live, I was going to talk about a different subject this week but with this situation of the man taking his life, I think I am going to talk about this. If you cannot get the station I will post the audio after the show.


  1. Fr.P: I don’t know how to begin to understand how ordinary people can respond to something so dreadful. This young man I’m told, not even fifty, have two devastating losses in his life recently. Our prayers are for him and his family. And, for those who had to witness such a horrible tragedy.

  2. Suicide is horrible – I don’t know of anything worse than being driven to that kind of desperation. And it is really tough on those called on to pick up the pieces after something like this.

    Do those who witnessed this have counseling available to them? And if any of the emergency responders need a CISD will they be able to have one? In a situation like this those things probably need to be in place.

    I’m with Laura on prayers for all of those involved.

  3. the problem is that most people who are serious about taking their lives do not take the time to call some one or look for help, they just decide then do it. linda

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