The Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) was founded under the leadership of Archbishop Iakovos, of blessed memory, anticipating the process of re-unifying the Orthodox Church in America later ignited by the establishment of the autocephalous Orthodox Church in America in 1970. Its most notable programs, however, such as the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) and the Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF), have not been established through initiatives of SCOBA but rather have been the products of either strong lay leadership from several jurisdictions or the indefatigable efforts of individual priests and lay persons focusing on specific areas of concern. American Orthodox faithful of many jurisdictions cried out for unified action. SCOBA followed, while others have led. SCOBA’S greatest failure has been in carrying out its “prime directive”, i.e. to Unify the Church. In fact, in some respects, it has become an instrument for stifling the move toward Unity.
SCOBA is plagued with structural, theological, and political defects. Here are a few of the more obvious ones.
What is divided cannot stand. The problem male pride?
In all honesty, SCOBA has only failed because it bows to overseas dictates.
Alien Episcopal Supremacy is the problem.