
This past Tuesday, April 8th was the first baseball game of the season at Fenway Park in Boston. There were many activities that day, including a baseball game. As is the current trend someone of note is called up to throw out the first pitch of the game. Out from under the new banner hanging on the Green Monster, strode none other than Bill Buckner. Now if you don’t now anything about his read his wikipedia entry here, I will wait.
Welcome back! I will draw your attention to the part about the 1986 world series and the ball rolling between his legs. Most people believe that this is why we lost the series that year. So Bill Buckner was booed and hated for years after that. Well, as he walked across the outfield to the pitchers mound everyone in the park got to their feet and cheered him on. The local news cut to a guy that said, “we forgive you Bill.” Ahhhhh the ultimate redemption.

If a Red Sox fan can forgive Bill Buckner for loosing the world series why do we find it so hard to forgive those who have wronged us. For us Orthodox we are still in the season of Great Lent. We begin this season with the Sunday of Forgiveness so that we start the time off in the right state of mind. At the beginning of the liturgy the deacon prays in Peace let us Pray to the Lord. We must be at peace with one another, we must forgive one another, before we can approach God for forgiveness.

If there is someone who has hurt you or wronged you in some way reach out and forgive them and pray for them. If they are gone then ask for their forgiveness or write them a letter and tell them that you forgive them and then burn the letter and as the smoke rises pray with the psalmist let my prayer arise like incense before thee.

If I may have offended anyone please forgive me!
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