Alexy II Sends Easter Greetings to Pontiff

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 23, 2008 ( Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia sent Easter greetings to Benedict XVI, which highlighted the optimism and joy implicit in the message of Christianity.

Vatican Radio reported that in the message Alexy II addresses “with his entire soul greetings of joy, health, divine benediction for a Holy Easter” to the Pope.

The contemporary world, the message continues, “places us before many difficulties and challenges. In many countries and regions bloody conflicts continue, hostility between peoples becomes more grave, attempts to drive Christian values from life and society continue.”

“But if the reality that surrounds us is complex, Christians are called to defeat skepticism and all the disgraces and difficulties, taking inspiration from the joy of Easter and the words of Christ.”
The Itar-Tass agency reports Alexy II also addressed messages to the principal exponents of the Protestant confessions. Orthodox Easter in Russia is celebrated, according to the Julian calendar, on April 27.

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