Letter to Cho

Some asked after church on Sunday for a text of the letter that I read at the end of my homily. If you listened to the Podcast you also heard this. I must tip my hat to my friend Deacon Raphael for posting this.

To Cho:
I am a Hokie.
You can not strip me of that, or
My love, my passion or my truth.
My innocence is mine on the cross
And you cannot have it.
You will not now nor ever
Have power over me.
The truth is I miss you.
I wish that I could have shown you
His love, His passion, His truth.
It has set me Free
And I wish that I could share that with you.
I missed you.
I am sorry.
So I must tell you now:
Even though you took innocent lives;
Even though you tried to put fear in our hearts;
Even though I hurt to the core;
Even though my eyes are tired of crying;
Even though my campus, my home, will never be the same…
I forgive you.
And I love you.

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