Speaking Truth to Power

Micha 6:1-8, 1 Corinthians 13, Matthew 25:31-46

On July 4, 2004, I knelt at the consecrated altar at St. Constantine and Helen Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois, and ordained a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. As my hands rested on the altar, a Book of the Gospels was placed on my back, symbolic of the weight of the office I had just been given. After the communion prayers of consecration, a small piece of the now-blessed bread was given to me with the words, “Take this and guard it until I come for it.” The bread was symbolic of the church and the people that were entrusted to my care.

My theological understanding of ministerial priesthood is that it is not a job; it is a calling and one that cannot be reversed, no matter the circumstances. When given the care of souls, the relationship is such that on the day of judgment; I will be held responsible for every soul in my care that has been lost. This is not some 9-to-5 job that one can clock in and clock out from. You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.

I was on retreat with other ministers some twelve or thirteen years later. It was a time away for refreshment and renewal for what they called “mid-career” ministers. I was in a different role than I had been. I had left the Orthodox Christian Church of my ordination and found refuge in the United Church of Christ. In many ways, I was burnt out and just going through the motions.

One evening was set aside as part of the retreat for a renewal of the promises we made at ordination. My ordination was different. In the Orthodox Church, the person being ordained does make promises out loud. There are vows, but they are assumed and private, so this would be the first time I said them out loud.

The vows clergy make differ depending on the denomination, but the essence is the same. One of the vows stood out to me, really stood out to me, and is one I think about daily.

“Will you seek to regard all people with equal love and concern and undertake to minister impartially to the needs of all?” To which I replied, “I will, relying on God’s grace.”

The key phrase there is “all people.” Not some people or the members of your church, but all people.

On May 17, 2024, I once again knelt and was consecrated a Bishop in God’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Once again, the Book of the Gospels was placed on my back, symbolizing the weight of the office I was about to enter. I made vows on that day, the same vows all bishops make on the day of their consecration. Again, one of them stands out, and it is first in my thoughts each day.

“Will you boldly proclaim and interpret the Gospel of Christ, enlightening the minds and stirring up the conscious of your people?” My answer: “I will, in the power of the Spirit.”

The symbols of that officer were presented: a ring to remind me of my fidelity to the Church and her teaching. A cross reminds us of the pains we go through in ministry to foster love for all. The crozier or shepherd’s staff to lead God’s people and, if necessary, draw them back. The Miter, the most visible of the symbols of the bishop, was placed on my head with the words, “Receive the helmet of salvation to wear in the war with evil.”

My vows are to minister to everyone impartially and boldly proclaim and interpret the Gospel of Christ.

This past Tuesday, we saw an example of the boldness we need from the pulpit at the Washington National Cathedral. The scene was the Annual Prayer Service for our Country, and in the audience, right in the front row, were the newly inaugurated President and Vice President of the United States.

The preacher was the Episcopal Bishop of Washington, DC, Mariann Edgar Budde. She was in her cathedral, preaching from her pulpit. The President and his group were invited guests. The theme of the bishop’s sermon was unity, but what came in the last few minutes would send shockwaves around the globe.

In the few hours after the inauguration on Monday, we saw a flurry of executive orders being signed to take away or restrict the rights of thousands of people. In a few moments, years of history and precedent were reversed or changed in ways we are still unsure of. One thousand five hundred criminals convicted of crimes against the people of the United States for their role in the attempted coup of January 6 were released. And the list goes on. Many, if not all, of these executive actions, were applauded by mostly white Evangelical Christians who are partly responsible for electing this President.

It should come as no surprise to you, but I believe love is central to the message of the Gospel. Everything Jesus preached and everything Jesus did was done out of love. The Gospel writer of John tells us that God loved the world so much that he sent his Son to show us a different way of love. We are commanded to love everyone, including those who do not love us back—commanded, not asked. They will know we are Christians. How? By our love. Not by our legislation or how many people we round up, by our love.

If we are to be true Christians and true to the command to love all, then that love must permeate all walks of our lives. We cannot come to Church today and sing songs and praise a God who loves everyone without exception and then on Monday support policies and politicians that want to harm those very same people we are supposed to love.

We are to have a preferential option for the poor. In other words, we are to care for and advocate for those vulnerable and on the margins. We are not to take advantage of them; we are to welcome them and care for them.

So how do we know if the policies and politicians we support profess to love? Well, I have provided a few Scripture passages today that we can use as our gauge.

We began with the Prophet Micha. Prophets come to warn the people that they are going off the rails and attempt to bring them back. We have some modern examples of prophets;

Roman Catholic Priest Maximilian Kolbe advocated for those on the margins and lost his life in the German Concentration Camp of Auschwitz in 1941.

Russian Orthodox Nun Mother Maria of Paris also advocated for those on the margins and lost her life at Ravensbrück Concentration Camp in 1945 when she was 53.

German Lutheran Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who not only advocated for those on the margins but quite literally tried to stop Hitler by being part of a plot to assassinate him, lost his life in April of 1939 at the age of 39.

Rev. Dr Martin Luther King needs no introduction but was cut down by an assassin’s bullet in 1968.

The Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero, who constantly and consistently advocated for those on the margins and often tried to speak truth to power, was assassinated in his cathedral during Mass on March 24, 1980.

All these people and those known only to God lived out the Gospel call to love everyone and advocate and serve those less fortunate. For God so loved the world that he sent Maximilian, Maria, Dietrich, Martin, and Oscar to show us a different way.

Micha tells us, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Justice, mercy, love, and humility the hallmarks of a true Christian.

Next, we heard from Paul. In Paul’s First Letter to the Church in Corinth, Paul teaches about the kind of love we should have. Paul, like Jesus, advocated for unconditional love—a love that is patient and kind, a love that does not boast or envy. This love does not dishonor others, it keeps no record of wrongs, it does not delight in evil, but it always rejoices in the truth. This love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.

This is the love we must practice and show, and if those we support and those we support do not do this, then it is antithetical to Christian practice and belief.

Then, we come to the most direct, in-your-face scripture about how we treat others. Matthew, in the 25th Chapter of his Gospel, shares a story about the second coming of Jesus. Matthew pulls no punches, and there is no ambiguity in his words.

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

When we see the homeless person, the drug addict, the farm worker, and the teenager trying to figure out their sexuality and their place in life when we see the black person, the Asian person, the Muslim, the Jew, the Greek, or anyone, when we see them and do not see the face of God and the divine spark, they we miss the entire message of the gospel. We reduce Jesus to just a guy hanging on a cross.

Matthew continues:

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’” ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

Yesterday, Bishop Thomas Bickerton of our New England Annual Conference sent a Pastoral letter to the Conference. I am not sure you are on the email list for the Conference but if you are not, there is no better time then today to get on it.

Bishop Bickerton said this:

In 1738, after a long practice of preaching TO people from a high steeple Anglican Church, John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, took a radical step to preach WITH people who had gathered in a field near Bristol, England. On that day, John Wesley wrote these words in his journal:

 “At four in the afternoon, I submitted to become more vile and proclaimed in the highways the glad tidings of salvation …”

 For Wesley, to become more vile meant that he had to move beyond his comfort zone and enter the world of the poor, the oppressed, the imprisoned, and, in fact, anyone who was in need. The struggle to take the words of faith we embrace and literally use them as the foundation for courageous acts of faithfulness, forged what we know today as our United Methodist theology. It is what we believe, and it is what we do.

Bishop Bickerton went on:

Today, I call upon all United Methodists in New England and New York to embrace a posture of radical welcome and hospitality. I call upon all churches to provide a safe space of welcome to immigrants and the marginalized who are afraid, intimidated, and threatened. I call upon all leaders, both lay and clergy, to take bold steps to lead our people into the gospel and into the very communities where our churches reside. As Romans 15:7 says so clearly, “Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”  This is our time and our moment to become more “vile.”

Brothers and sisters, it’s time to get vile!

Some of you sitting here today are lifelong Methodists, and many of us are not. Whatever denomination you come from, when you were baptized, you made vows, or those vows were made on your behalf. Some of you confirmed those vows later in life at your confirmation. One of those vows, in a United Methodist context, is:

“Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves?”

We are not playing around here.

Bishop Mariann Edger Budde is an unassuming Bishop you have probably never heard of. She has quietly gone about her ministry since her ordination in 1988. She has been a bishop in Washington, DC, since 2011 and, if you recall, called out the President for the stunt he pulled with the upside-down bible in Lafayette Square on June 1, 2020, during the protests around the George Floyd murder.

But on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, she was catapulted into the world spotlight for her words at the end of the National Prayer Service in her Cathedral in Washington, DC. This event was in stark contrast to the funeral of James Earl Carter, which took place just days before.

Toward the end of her sermon, she paused, drew in a deep breath, looked the President of the United States in the eye, and said,

“Let me make one final plea, Mr. President. Millions have put their trust in you. And as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families, some who fear for their lives. The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings; who labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants; who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals, they – they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation. But the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away. And that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were all once strangers in this land.”

If you watch the video of the sermon, and I hope you do, you will see the reaction of the President and Vice President, smirking and laughing while she pleads with them. Bishop Budde was not rude or nasty but spoke in a hushed pastoral tone in her plea.

In some quarters, her words were met with praise, but at the White House and on the floor of the House of Representatives, they were met with contempt. The president called her nasty and a radical left hardline hater. He said she was nasty in tone and not compelling or smart, and he demanded an apology.

The following day, a Republican Congressman from Oklahoma introduced a bill in the United States House of Representatives condemning her words. I am sure this resolution will go a long way in lowering egg prices across the country.

It has been widely reported that Bishop Budde has received death threats, and when in public, she is now wearing a Kevlar vest. The worshippers of empire wish to see her dead for preaching the words of Jesus Christ and upsetting our dear leader. These are the same fine folk who want the 10 Commandments in every classroom but get triggered by the words of Jesus Christ. Hypocrites! Brood of Vipers!

Friends, I agonized over this sermon today; I was awake most of the night thinking about it. There are times when we must take a stand, and today is one of those days. I have no illusion that my words will travel any further than these walls, but I feel that if I did not speak, I would be betraying my vows and everything that I stand for as a Christian and human being.

For most of us, these changes and policies will mean very little. Sure, prices will go up, and that will be hard, but I want us to think of those who now wonder about the legitimacy of their marriage. Those who worry about their health care. For the farm workers, hotel workers, kitchen staff, lawn people, and all the rest who have now gone into hiding for fear for their very lives. Staying silent is not an option; ask the Germans of the 1930s how staying silent worked out for them.

If we are not ready to advocate for those on the margins, then I have no idea what we are doing here. Jesus’s message is simple: ” Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”

Friends, to quote Bishop Bickerton, “it’s time to get vile.”


Navigating the Labyrinth: A metaphor for walking life’s path

Editor: The following essay appeared in the January 16, 2025 edition of the Hull Times

One of my favorite local places to walk is Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham. No matter what time of day you visit, it is always quiet, and the paved paths make walking easy.

On a recent visit, I walked the labyrinth in the woods for the first time. As I was walking and trying very hard not to fall, I realized that walking this labyrinth was a metaphor for life, and as we embarked on the new year, it was a time of reflection.

Labyrinths date as far back as the Bronze Age, but at that time, they were a series of caves that were often used to house prisoners or other items one did not wish to be discovered. Later, labyrinths began to appear on the floors of cathedrals, and although their actual purpose is unclear, they were sometimes used for walking and saying prayers, which is the modern usage today.

Modern times have seen a resurgence in labyrinths and their construction. The World Labyrinth Locator—yes, there is such a thing—lists approximately 6,000 labyrinths around the world in private properties, libraries, schools, gardens, and recreational areas, as well as famous temples and cathedrals. In addition to the Glastonbury Labyrinth, the Located lists the Veterans Affairs Campus in Brockton, Boston College, and an indoor Labyrinth at the Old Ship Church in Hingham Center.

The Glastonbury Labyrinth is fascinating. Constructed of stones and formed in the classical four-axis pattern, one enters and then follows the paths around the circle. I am not sure if it is by design, but the narrow construction of the paths forces the walker to pay very close attention to every step to not stumble. The path is so narrow in several places that it is almost impossible to pass.

This is where the connection to life comes in. When things in our lives are going well, life provides wide paths for us to walk on, and we do not have to be concerned about stumbling. But then there are those times when the path closes in because of difficulties we might be having. These are the times when we must pay closer attention to each step or even reach out to someone who can guide us.

In my experience, those times on the narrow path also force me to focus my attention on my spiritual life, and I turn to prayer. The contemplative action of paying closer attention to what is around us, where my feet are, what I am looking at, and where my thoughts are becoming increasingly more important. But should these times of deep contemplative thought only be for those times when things might not be going as planned?

When the path is wide and free of obstruction, we tend to walk upright with our gaze upward. Maybe we have a smile on our faces, and we might greet those we encounter on our path. But when the path begins to narrow, and obstacles are placed in our way, our gaze naturally turns downward, and we might furrow our brow as we spend more time concentrating on where our feet are falling.

The start of a new year allows us to hit the reset button, end something, and begin something new. If the last few years have taught me anything, it’s that we need to slow down and take time, pay closer attention to what is around us, smile more at the others we encounter, and spend more time in contemplation.

The all Gather Together

Matthew 2:1-12

“On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”

There is an Italian legend of an old woman who travels the night sky on Epiphany Eve, bringing sweets and toys to the good children and coal to the bad ones. She is often depicted as a witch with a black scarf on her head, carrying a sack or a basket, and riding on a broom. The legend of La Bafana has an unknown origin but has meaning for us today.

Like most legends, hers has become complicated. There is a belief that she is of pre-Christian origin, but today, we will stick to how La Befana and the Wise Men come together.

La Befana is said to live in a mountain cave outside a city. One day, three strange men came to visit her. They were from a far-off land and were following a star searching for a child who had been born. They told her they had brought gifts for the child and asked if she knew where this child might be. La Befana was very busy cleaning, and she told them she did not know and ran them off.

Later, she regretted her decision and decided to find these men from the East. She packed gifts for the child, mounted her broom, and flew off searching for the visitors. She did not see them or the child they sought, but she had all these gifts. La Befana decided to stop off at other places with the children and leave the gifts for them.

Our Scripture lesson from Matthew, which we heard this morning, tells us what happened to these men from the East. They found what they were looking for and more.

We know very little about these men from the biblical account. Their story only appears in Matthew’s Gospel and is vague. Matthew calls them “wise men from the East” and never mentions their occupation or number. Traditional Western Christians set their number at three, corresponding to the number of gifts they bring. Still, Eastern Christianity, specifically the Syriac tradition, has 12, corresponding to the 12 days of Christmas.

They are essential to the story regardless of who or what they are.

We also do not know when they will arrive. Again, Matthew only says this event took place in the time of King Herod, roughly 72 BCE to 4 BCE. Some scholars believe the Wise Men came many years after the birth event and visited him in a house that was not stable. Scripture tells us that upon hearing the news of the child’s birth, Herod orders the slaughter of all male children under two years of age, which would point to the idea that this even took place up to two years after Jesus’ birth. Still, the exact time and place do not matter; they came, which is essential.

The research will suggest that these men did come from the East. By the 3rd century, they had been identified as Kings, which would conform with Christian interpretations of prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures that Kings would worship the Messiah.

Matthew calls them Magos in Greek, from which we derive the Latin term Magi. Mago comes from Old Persian magus, which refers to the Iranian priestly class of Zoroastrianism. They were known for their ability to read the stars and gained an international reputation for astrology. By the way, the word Magi is where we get the English word Magic.

Again, there is no evidence that they were Kings, and the first English reference to such was the interpretation of the word “Magi” in the King James Bible, probably to lessen the idea that these men were astrologers. The Reformer John Calvin thought that these men were not kings and that the term was invented to sanitize the story and make it more acceptable in society.

Although Matthew does not provide their names, several legends give their names, as Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar. The most notable of these legends come from an 8th-century Latin text and the apocryphal text, The Acts of Saint Thomas.

Matthew gives only the evidence of their place of origin from the “East,” but using the name Magi points to the Parthian Empire centered in Iran. This is an integral part of the story because the Parthian Empire was known for tolerating other religions and religious practices. It is also important to note that these men are usually depicted as being of various ages and races, which will become important later.

Matthew tells us that when they found Jesus, they entered the house and knelt down to worship him. This is where the practice of kneeling in worship comes from. Jewish worship, where most of our Christian practice comes from, did not include kneeling or prostrating; all those Christian practices came from the Magi worshipping Jesus. One might argue that kneeling in worship is as old as Christianity itself.

The gifts are significant as well. All three were ordinary, and the usual gifts were offered when one paid homage to a king. These men knew this child was not some ordinary child and brought the appropriate gifts.

These gifts also have spiritual significance: gold symbolizes earthly kingship, frankincense, in the form of incense, symbolizes deity, and myrrh, an oil used for anointing, symbolizes death. This is where we get another of our Christian traditions. Incense is used in worship, signifying our prayers being lifted to God, and myrrh is often an essential ingredient in the oil used for anointing the sick and other rituals.

In my message on Christmas Eve, I pointed out that all of creation was present at the birth of Jesus. Animals and shepherds were there to worship this tiny baby that would transform the world. The men from the East signify another aspect of it all, that the message of Christ was to transcend not only geography but also culture, time, place, race, and religion.

These men were on pilgrimage; they had searched the sky for a sign and found it. They were seekers like many of us are or have been. It is interesting to note that these men practiced a religion that the Christian Church would later condemn as witchcraft, yet they were among the first to not only pay homage but bring gifts and humble themselves by kneeling to worship. This may be why La Befana is often depicted as a witch.

Later in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus preaches to a gathering of people on a hillside. This is often called the sermon on the mount, where the beatitudes come from. These beatitudes are central Christian teachings, and it is essential to note that people of multiple races, ages, genders, and even religions were on that hillside. Jerusalem was a crossroads for trade, and people from all over the world would come and pass through it. The message of Jesus is for everyone, not just those we think fit into a specific mold or way of life.

Each person present that night and in the days after was a seeker of a sort. Something drew them in and brought them to the place where they found Jesus. Many came with nothing, only an openness to what was possible, and others came with precious gifts. Regardless of what they brought, they all came and worshipped and, no doubt, left changed.

Everyone is invited to God’s party, even those who have been traveling radically different paths. Those who have made this journey many times in their lives are invited to take a new look at Jesus and his message of love and acceptance of all, not just some. It is important to remember Jesus’ saying, “The last shall be first, and the first will be last.”

It is important to remember that this was not an ordinary birth, and by that, I do not suggest anything to do with the supernatural circumstances of how they found themselves where they were. The birth story reminds us that the creator became part of creation to show us a different way to live. But it is also a story that invites everyone to come; whether you are a shepherd or king, young or old, astrologer or believer, there is a place for you at the table.

The story of the Magi reminds us that God initiates the call to come and find, to knock, and to seek. Our job is to come with an open mind to find a story that might challenge our traditional beliefs about many things. The Magi’s journey to seek the child exposes God’s intention to welcome everyone “into the joy of God’s hoe not made with hands, but eternal in the heavens” and, remarkably, on earth as well. Amen.

First Sunday of Advent: Preparation

Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 21:25-36

“In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.”

Let us Pray

God of our salvation, here is wisdom, peace, and joy for those who keep your Word. By the power of your Holy Spirit, lead us in your truth and teach us to do your will; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our daughter Oonagh is learning how to swing on a swing set. Until very recently, she would sit on the swing, and either her mother or I would have to push her. She loves the swing, and she shouts higher and higher with every push. But recently, she learned how to pump her legs and swing herself.

The other day, we were across the street on the playground, and Oonagh wanted to show me how she learned to swing. She climbed up and sat down. I started her off with a little push, but she was soon pumping and swinging alone.

As I stood there and watched, as a proud father, I noticed that at the apex of the swing, she was neither moving forward nor backward; she would just hang there, suspended between moving forward and falling backward. The season of Advent is a lot like that.

During Advent, we are in that liminal space between what was and what is yet to come. It is not quite Christmas, but it is not the days after Pentecost either. Although there are certain similarities between Lent and Advent, Advent is that odd time of the year when the world wants us to speed up, but the church wants us to slow down.

Advent is a season all its own, but we still need to remember the importance of this time of year. This is the season of preparation.

I like history. I like reading about it and watching documentaries about historical events. Ruth Goodman is a British historian who specializes in the social and domestic history of Britain and the British Isles. She likes to immerse herself in a time, use the tools of the time, and basically live as if she were living in that time. Ruth likes to say that we can never truly understand or appreciate history unless we have tried to live it.

Ruth and a few others have made a couple of television series about living in a forgotten time. I just finished watching one she made several years ago about living on a farm in Victorian England. During the Victorian age, many of the “traditions” started around the celebration of Christmas. I will remind you that from 1659 until 1681, Christmas was banned and punishable by a steep fine here in New England.

The Victorian age saw the first time homes were decorated for Christmas, and it became a tradition to decorate one’s house with a tree on Christmas Eve. Although Hallmark and Target want us to believe Christmas starts shortly after the 4th of July, the Christmas season starts on December 24th.

Advent was a time of strict preparation, including fasting and abstinence, as well as confession. While we like to head to parties, shop, and sit on Santa’s lap, our ancestors fasted from all meat and dairy during the four-week run-up to the birth of Christ.

Now, one would keep one’s home decorated until Candlemas, which falls on the Second of February when Christmas ends. By then, we are already purchasing stuff for our summer holidays, but we tend to lose something special when we rush the season and pack it all up the day after.

Now, there is nothing wrong with decorating early. In fact, if decorating your house for Christmas makes you happy, do it whenever you want, but make some time for Advent as well.

The Scripture readings we heard this morning speak of a time to come, not of Jesus being born in a manger, but a time when Jesus will bring justice and righteousness for all. Jeremiah and Luke remind us to be prepared and not to worry about what is coming, for we are people of hope.

Jeremiah begins with God’s promise that one is coming who will “execute justice and righteousness in the land.” Jeremiah is writing at a time of immense political turmoil in the land, and a vast number of people are being persecuted.

Jeremiah writes of a time when justice and righteousness will rule not in a juridical way of punishment but in a loving way of mercy and equality. The people clammer for justice against those who we are told are our enemies, the ones taking our jobs and causing our taxes to rise. Jeremiah writes of a justice of love and generosity with room for everyone.

Theologian Rachel Mann writes, “At the start of this Advent journey of faith and hope, let’s remind ourselves of the unconditional generosity and abundance of God’s love.” We need to remind ourselves, but we also need to remind the world that God’s unconditional love is so vast that there is room for everyone.

Jeremiah reminds us that we are to have hope, but we cannot just sit around and wait. We have to get busy bringing about justice and mercy and also showing God’s unconditional love.

We also heard from Luke this morning. We will be spending a lot of time in Luke during this Advent season, and Luke, like Jeremiah, writes of not Jesus’ first coming but his second. Luke reminds us that we need to take time to prepare. This is not physical preparation but rather spiritual.

Our ancestors in faith practiced this time of preparation very harshly and strictly. Fasting, abstinence, and confession prepared the spiritual body as well as the physical. But it is also a reminder that this time of the year needs to be different. We need to set aside time in the business of our lives to prepare for the birth of the one who is the reason for the season.

We will light one of the candles on the wreath as we begin worship during the next four weeks. This morning, we lit the candle representing hope. On this first Sunday of Advent, we are reminded that we are people who need to live in hope, for we are not alone on this journey.

Each week, we light another candle but also the one from the previous Sunday, and in the end, we light a candle in the middle representing Jesus Christ. But I want you to pay special attention to the candle we lit this morning, as this candle burns throughout the entire journey and will be the smallest at the end.

The candle of hope burns the longest and reminds us that we will never be without hope. Hope anchors us in our faith and drives us to spread God’s unconditional love to all those around us.

I know this is a busy season, and there is a lot to get accomplished in a few short weeks, but I ask you to take a few moments each day to slow down, spiritually prepare for what is coming, and remember to be the light of hope in the world.


Advent Word: Humility

Humility is one of the most misunderstood words in the English language. Most of the time, we equate humility with humiliation and the idea that we must become a doormat for everyone and everything. But spiritual humility is anything but being a doormat; rather, it is a sense of being that transcends what the world wants of us.

Humility is not the sense that we are worthless and will never amount to anything; humility is the sense that there is something larger than ourselves and that we need that to help us through. The story of the Publican and Pharisee from the Gospel of St. Luke is a contrast in humility.

The story has two men, one a publican (tax collector) and the other a Pharisee, going up to the Temple to pray.  The Pharisee wears his best clothes and walks in when most people would be in the Temple to pray.  He walks down to the center of the Temple and begins his prayer, which sounds fine at the start, but then his focus shifts from God to himself.  He prays, “God, I thank you that I am not like other men.”  His prayer lacks humility because the focus shifts from his thanks to God to being about him.  His prayer was done for effect, publicity, and for admiration.  His thoughts were not on others but on what others thought of him.  He prayed with himself and not for himself.

The Publican, standing alone, a few feet away in the shadows so as not to be seen, had his head down and was so weighed down and ashamed by the enormity of his sin that he could not even raise his gaze to heaven.  He whispered, “Lord have mercy,” as the only prayer he could form on his lips.  He stood there in the shadow of the Pharisee, softly repeating the same prayer over and over again, never daring to look up.  He had come to the realization that he needed to change his life and repent for all that he had done to others in the past.  He had the necessary humility to come and ask God for forgiveness.

Admitting we were wrong is a challenging thing for us to do.  No one wants to look as if we do not know what we are doing or talking about.  And the admission that we have done wrong is never easy.  Admitting we are wrong is related in some sense to forgiveness.  Withholding forgiveness affects us on a spiritual level, and not admitting when we are wrong does the same thing.  As I have written previously, the spiritual and the physical are connected, so if our spiritual life is not where it should be, it will have an effect on our physical life.

Being able to admit that we are wrong and ask for forgiveness shows a level of humility that we all need to strive for. We should not wait until we are like the Publican in the story, so weighed down that we cannot even bring ourselves to form the words on our lips. Take care of those situations where we need to admit that we are wrong as soon as we can, and that will aid in our spiritual healing.

The end of the Gospel story has Jesus telling His disciples that the Publican will be justified rather than the Pharisee. The Publican focused on his prayer and his wrongs and not those of others. He focused on what he had to do to get his life right and did not compare himself to anyone. He held his head down in humility and simply asked that God forgive him and send His mercy and His grace to help him move forward in his life.

Our spiritual life comprises both the Publican and the Pharisee, and we have to decide which one we will be most like in our lives.  If we wish to be like the Publican, we need to find humility, admit that we are wrong, and accept that we need to change our lives.  We need the humility to admit that we cannot do it alone and that we need the grace of God to get us over the humps and bumps in our lives.  If we are willing to do that, we will get on the right road, but we will have to recommit ourselves to the daily journey.

Let me see

“What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man said to him, “My teacher, let me see again.”

In 1779, a new hymn book was published in rural England. At a time when printing was not easily accessible, it was not uncommon for a local congregation to publish its own hymnal for Sunday use in that church. But this hymnal contained a special hymn that would eventually become so well known that it is estimated to be performed 10 million times per year.

This hymn was written by John Newton, who was raised without any particular religious conviction. His life took many twists and turns based on what others thought he should do. He reluctantly joined the Royal Navy and, after leaving service, became involved in the Atlantic slave trade.

In 1748, a violent storm battered his ship off the County Donegal, Ireland, coast. So severe was this storm that he called out to God for help and mercy. Although this moment marked his conversion, he continued in the slave trade until about 1755, when he gave up his seafaring career altogether.

Newton began studying Christian theology and became an abolitionist. He was ordained in the Anglican Church in 1764 and assigned to the rural parish of Olney. While there, he met the poet William Cowper, and the two began to write hymns.

The relatively unknown hymn I mentioned earlier is Amazing Grace, and it was written to accompany a sermon Newtown preached on New Year’s Day 1773. It is unclear if there was any music that accompanied the words. It was common practice for hymns to be chanted by the congregation rather than sung to any particular tune. One of the many artifacts we have in the display case at the back of the church is a plainchant hymnal from the very early days of our congregation.

Amazing Grace was unknown until it started to be used in the early 19th century by Baptist and Methodist preachers as part of evangelization during what is known as the Second Great Awakening. America was coming to grips with the horrors of slavery and the Civil War and was looking for answers and redemption for the sins committed not only individually but nationally.

Amazing Grace is a song about redemption and forgiveness, and it reminds us that both are possible regardless of the sins we have committed. God’s All-Sufficient Grace can deliver the soul from despair if we just open our eyes.

If there was ever a time that we needed to hear the message of Amazing Grace, it is now!

Today, the writer of Mark’s Gospel introduces us to Bartimaeus son of Timaeus. This story of the healing of Bartimaeus appears in all three of the synoptic Gospels, although Mark is the only one who gives the blind man a name. Naming is important in Scripture, and we need to pay close attention to it.

Jesus and his Disciples were in Jerico, and as they were leaving, a blind man called out to him, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Bartimaeus had heard about Jesus and thought that this was his big chance to obtain his sight. Not wanting to cause a problem, those around him tried to silence him, but it only made him shout louder, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Jesus stops, calls the man to him, and asks him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus replies to Jesus, “My teacher, let me see again.” That word “again” is going to prove very important.

This passage from Mark is only seven verses long, but it is filled to the brim with meaning if we just open our eyes to see past the magic that is taking place.

This is the last of the healing stories in Mark. Healing stories, like all the miracles of Jesus, contain a much deeper meaning than we see on the surface, and this one is no exception. Typically, the person being healed is not mentioned, which usually means the story is meant for all; it is an amalgamation of healing that had taken place. This is not to say that Jesus did not heal people; rather, the Scriptures contain only a small section of what Jesus did.

The man is named Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus. The name is interesting as Bartimaeus literally means son of Timaeus. Again, it is unusual that the man is named at all, and his name is a strange Semitic-Greek hybrid. Scholars agree that this person is a reference to an actual person from history.

But is it the person in front of Jesus, or is it someone else?

Some scholars point to Timaeus in Plato’s works, who delivers Plato’s most important cosmological and theological treatise, which involves sight as the foundation of knowledge. If you have read Plato, you understand that sight was an essential part of his philosophy, and we must look for answers before we can find understanding.

But there is more. When Bartimaeus stands to walk to Jesus, Mark tells us that he “throws off his cloak.” Keep in mind that everything written has meaning; nothing is put in Scripture just to take up space. Bartimaeus not only removes his cloak but also “throws it off,” signifying he will no longer need it. He also signifies that he is throwing off all his possessions to follow Jesus. This is to remind those around him, and especially his Disciples, of the need to rid ourselves of those things that hold us back.

Bartimaeus’ response to Jesus’ questioning is that he wants to see again. So, Bartimaeus was not blind from birth but lost his sight at some point for an unknown reason. The ancients believed that there was a connection between our health and our sin. Was it something he did that caused his blindness? Was it something that someone else did that caused it?

Blindness in Scripture is often a metaphor for spiritual blindness or being blind to Jesus’ message of love and acceptance. For sight to be recovered, we must first acknowledge that we are blind, and only then can we seek solutions and healing.

But we can be blind to many things, especially things that do not directly involve us, like the suffering and pain of others. It is easy to shut ourselves up in our own world and keep others out. If we close our eyes tight enough, it will go away.

What else blinds us? There is some truth to the idea that sin can cause blindness. When we are filled with hate, we are blind to the truth. Far too often, people believe that narrative is placed before them, blinding us to the truth. When people say what we want to hear and hate the same people we hate, we become blind, and our blindness causes all sorts of problems.

But before we start to feel all righteous in our position, know that righteousness can also blind us. Just because we have the right beliefs does not give us a license to ignore or disdain those who do not. If we are to obey Jesus’ command to love all, then we have to be willing to see the other and to listen. People suffer for all sorts of reasons. We may not agree with how they express their suffering, but that does not diminish the fact that they are suffering.

Yes, our own ignorance can cause us suffering, but sometimes, we need someone to help us find our way back. Love is the best way to help someone regain their sight.

Bartimaeus acknowledged that he was blind and needed help to change his life. He acknowledged Jesus’ kingship and asked him to help him regain his sight. Bartimaeus cried out in faith and despair, just like John Newton did on the deck of that ship. In both cases, God reached out his hand and provided what was needed.

Jesus tells Bartimaeus that his “faith has made him well.” Bartimaeus received his sight but did not go away; he followed Jesus. Newton’s life was changed, not instantly, but from one of slavery to service, and that service continues to this day.

How many lives have been changed by Amazing Grace? The song is popular not only in religious circles but also in secular circles. My guess is it would be hard to find someone who has never heard the words, “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.” I was lost, but now I’m found. I was blind, but now I see.

What blinds us? Whatever it is, know that God’s all-sufficient Grace can restore your sight. All we need to do is ask.


Not to be Served

Mark 10:35-45

“…but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all.”

Perhaps you have heard that there is a rather important event coming up on November 5th. Although I will never tell you who to vote for, I will point out the importance of exercising that right of citizenship, and please vote. I am sure I will make the same plea in the coming weeks.

But with the election on the horizon, I have turned my thoughts to what comes after—what happens in the days and weeks after November 5th? What happens after the confetti has fallen and the speeches have been made? In every election, some win, and those, whether they choose to believe it or not, lose.

Regardless of what happens on election day or in the days after, life will go on.

It has been said that we are more divided now than we were prior to the Civil War. I am a student of that period of our history from a theological perspective, and by that, I mean what role did the church play in the events leading up to and after the war?

We are called United Methodists largely due to the split before the war. The theological and ideological split divided the church along northern and southern lines. It took only a few years to break apart, but it took more than 100 to come back together, and it is still not fully restored.

For the last couple of weeks, I have been wrestling with this question of what’s next and what our role should be in what’s next.

In Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews, he writes to the church about the type of leaders we should want and what we should be. Paul writes that the High Priest does not perform his duties for his own glory but for the glory of God, “…one does not presume to take this honor, but takes it only when called by God.” But Paul also reminds those he is writing to that the High Priest is a human and suffers from the same weaknesses that we all do, sometimes more.

Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of participating in an ordination service in Plymouth. It has been several years since I attended an ordination service, and it was nice to be reminded of the obligation we take when we submit to being set apart for leadership in God’s Church.

The first lesson is leadership, not about us. None of this can be about us. In last week’s lesson from Mark, the Rich Young Man calls Jesus “Good Teacher,” and Jesus rebukes him. “No one is good except God,” Jesus tells the man. Jesus constantly and consistently points away from himself and towards God. When they want to make him King, he runs away. When he faces temptation in the desert and is offered everything, he turns it down. None of this is about me.

The second lesson is that to be leaders, we first have to be servants. A true leader must be willing to wash the feet of those they lead. Some of the best leaders I have had in my military service have stood beside me in the rain and mud. The leader who does not wish to get dirty is no leader, and the leader who is aloof is no leader.

Marks’s Gospel sums it up rather nicely for us today, “…but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all.” And Jesus continues, “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.” Must be a slave of who? All. Not some, not just the ones we like, but all.

Here is that radical Jesus again telling me that I have to love everyone and now serve them. This message is for us as individuals and for the church.

The church is at its best when it serves as a moral compass. I am not talking about forcing people to think a certain way or even to force conformity upon them, but rather offering an alternative and providing forgiveness and reconciliation. And doing it all with grace and love.

But the church is also at her best when she speaks the truth in love and rebukes. We must never compromise for the sake of unity. Jesus was all about bringing people together, but he was also aware that there were those who would not wish to come together.

After Jesus told the Rich Young Man that he would have to sell everything to follow him, the man turned and walked away. Jesus did not chase after him, nor did Jesus change his mind; he let the man walk away. Part of leadership is recognizing when it is time to let people go and watch them walk away. But we should never close the door because they might come back one day.

The question remains: what do we do?

Can we reconcile? Should we reconcile? Can we repair relationships? Should those relationships be repaired?

I will admit that I don’t know, but I believe we have to try.

Not too far from here, out there in the harbor, stands a light that has been warning mariners about the dangers in the area but also lighting the way to safety. A lighthouse is a symbol of hope, a sign that just past the light, we will find sanctuary from the storm, a place of refuge from all that troubles us. The church can and should be that lighthouse, lighting the way to hope in the present and the future.

The sign that stands in front of our building boldly claims that we are a reconciling congregation. That means that, as a community, we decided to come to grips with the past hurts and divisions we have caused and promise not to cause those same hurts in the future. It is a recognition that we are not perfect, but God’s all-sufficient grace will help us get there.

But if that sign is to have any real meaning, we have to live out that principle of reconciliation in all aspects of our lives as individuals and as the church. We must be willing to open our doors to all, not just some.

The twelve that Jesus picked to help him were the most unlikely bunch ever assembled. Among them was one who despised the government and everything it stood for, but their number also included a tax collector, one who represented that government.

There was Judas, who never understood nor appreciated what Jesus was doing and would eventually turn him in. My friend Peter, who was bold in his faith and proclamation of who Jesus was and is, and of whom Jesus said that his faith was like a rock, would deny Jesus to save his own skin.

The two we encountered today were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, boldly asking to be put in seats of glory. And then, when Jesus needed them most, they all abandoned him. These twelve were imperfect, but they were able to spread the message of love and acceptance to the farthest reaches of the world.

All of this is possible if we are willing to humble ourselves and be of service to others. We bring about reconciliation through love and peace, but it all begins with us and our ability to reconcile and forgive.

We have a great and important task before us, and we must be ready. Our work will not end next month; it is only beginning.


Call to Confession

2 Samuel 11:1-15

The passage from Second Samuel could be ripped from the headlines of any newspaper. We have a leader who we think is superhuman, almost Divine, who turns out to be just like the rest of us: a sinner. Remember, the Israelites believe David has been chosen by God to lead them and, as such, should be above all this petty human stuff.

The scene opens with David planning a battle. Scripture says spring is “the time when kings go to war.” But David decides it is not his place to lead his army, so he goes up on the roof of his palace. While up there, he spies a woman, reportedly the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. She is taking a ritual bath for purification, and rather than look away, David decides to watch.

David sends one of his advisors to find out who she is and report back to him. He asks her to visit with him, and one thing leads to another, and the woman, Bathsheba, ends up pregnant. Now, I know it is hard to believe a leader would have an affair, but there it is.

The King sends for the woman’s husband, Uriah, one of his generals. They have a conversation about why Uriah did not go home after his last battle, and Uriah tells him that it would not be fair for him to return home while his subordinates were unable to. Uriah is a good leader, maybe a great leader, as he thinks about the comfort of those under him before his own.

As you know, I have spent most of my adult life in the military. I enlisted right out of high school and have continued with my service, with a few breaks here and there. When I was an enlisted man, it used to make me angry when we were sleeping on the ground, and the officers were on cots, having their meals served to them. The higher up the chain you went, the more privilege that position carried with it.

The best officers, and the ones we were willing to do anything for, were the ones who thought about us first. They ensured we had everything we needed or could get, and then they concerned themselves with their needs. This is a theory I have carried with me as I have risen through the ranks. Yes, being a leader has certain privileges, but with that privilege comes a lot of responsibility.

By all accounts, Uriah was this type of leader and David did not seem to understand why he did not avail himself of the privilege of his position. David’s privilege and sin led him to take the steps we read about at the end of today’s story. “In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it by the hand of Uriah. In the letter he wrote, ‘Set Uriah in the forefront of the hardest fighting, and then draw back from him, so that he may be struck down and die.’” Make it look like an accident.

If you are keeping score, David has now broken three of the top ten: covetous, adultery, and murder. If there were anyone in need of a confession, it would be David. But what about Uriah? This is not the last time we hear about him. Uriah is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, right at the beginning, in the Genealogy of Jesus. Amongst the names, we read, “David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah’s wife.” There is no mention of the mother’s name, but there is Uriah, who was killed because of David’s sin.

I wonder if he was buried on a golf course. But I digress.

It has been said that confession is good for the soul. I have not met anyone who truly enjoys confession. No one likes to think about the things they have done wrong. It is not proper to talk about sin. We have almost removed that word from our lexicon, and we excuse sin away in ourselves and in those we choose to lead us.

When I began ministry, I was part of a church that practiced sacramental confession. Each week, I would make myself available for folk to come to the church for confession. Now, just to clear up a few misconceptions, in confession, the person is not confessing their sins to the priest; the priest is there only as a witness. We confess to God, we have been forgiven by God, and we are loved by God.

From a psychological standpoint, there is something therapeutic about admitting our faults in the presence of another human being. Having a caring person listen, perhaps offering some words of reassurance or guidance, helps us on the road to healing. In many ways, confession is therapy if the person standing with you is good at what they do.

During Lent, it was common for most people to come to confession. Before confessions began, I would mention that since there were so many people, unless there was a particular issue you needed help with, you just hit the highlights. There was one who would come every year. We would go through the opening, and then I would ask if there was anything they would like to confess. Each time, the answer was the same: no, nothing.

Confession is not easy. Admitting we have faults is not easy, but from a spiritual point of view, confession is necessary. I am not advocating confession to another person, but admitting that we are all sinners and have fallen short is the first step.

When I first came here, I got some pushback on using a prayer of confession in the service. I mean, we are good people after all; we are not sinners. The prayer sometimes involves us saying things that we feel aren’t true.

“We have not done your will, we have broken your law, we have rebelled against your love, and we have not heard the cry of the needy.”

Isn’t that a bit much? We are a loving community; we pay attention to and are engaged in missions with the needy. Why do we need to beat our chest and claim that we are not doing this when we are? Worship is supposed to be a happy experience; I am supposed to feel better about myself when I come out of worship, not worse. Let’s just skip over the whole confession thing.

Except. We do gather each week with regrets. Maybe not on David’s scale; we haven’t arranged a murder to cover up an adulterous affair. But we have occasionally wounded those we love with unkind words or hurtful acts. We have walked or driven past someone seeking something from us and pretended we didn’t see them when, in fact, we did, but we have felt helpless in the face of the systems of poverty. We come carrying burdens that sometimes feel overwhelming to us, and when all we do is set them aside while we sing praises to God, we walk away with those same burdens, guilt, and sin. That is why we need confession. Even when the words of the corporate prayer don’t quite mirror our personal experience, there is space to offer our own prayers.

The worst thing we can do is try to justify our behavior. For centuries, theologians and biblical scholars have tried to explain away David’s behavior. As one might imagine, the blame is placed on Bathsheba. They claim she was too beautiful, and David could not control himself. We find this same thinking when it comes to rules about how women should dress or how victims of rape or other sexual crimes are treated. We spin it off the man and onto the woman. This behavior is certainly something that needs to be confessed.

When we come to worship, we bring our whole selves, all of us, our wants, hopes, desires, and even our sins. What have we done, and what have we left undone? How have we used our power and our privilege? Have we built up or broken-down God’s kingdom? Have we loved our neighbor?

None of these questions is meant to make us feel bad about ourselves. When we confess, we lay our burdens down and leave them behind. Here is where we come and offer all these things to God, who loves us. Here in this place, we find forgiveness and not judgment for what we have or have not done. Here is where we can leave our past behind and start new. Each week, we have the opportunity for a do-over. We have an opportunity to ask God to forgive our shortcomings and help us do better and be better in the future. Do not let the opportunity pass you by.


The Greatest of These

Matthew 22:34-40, 1 Corinthians 13, Romans 8:38-39
Preached at Asbury Grove; Hamilton, Massachusetts
July 14, 2024

It is lovely to be back here in the Grove. Last year, after the cottage owner’s association meeting, I fell at home and broke my ankle. I needed surgery, and then there were complications, and then recovery, rehab, physical therapy, and all the rest. I spent most of last summer in the recliner in the living room. So, it is nice to be walking and pleasant to be back here.

It is always interesting to preach in a place where one does not usually preach. I have been in my present assignment for three years. My people know me, and I know them. I know what they want to hear and what they need to hear. But when one preaches in a strange place and to a diverse audience, it becomes more of a challenge.

It is my belief that the preacher’s job is to challenge those listening, move people out of their comfort zones, and make people think. I further believe it is the preacher’s job to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.

When I say challenge and when I say afflict, I don’t mean insult or unnecessarily agitate, but sometimes, it happens.

It would also be malpractice for me, not to mention the events of the last 24 hours. I think we can all agree that violence is never the answer, and I am holding all of those involved, including the former president, in my prayers. My prayers are also with the family of Corey Comperatore, the 50-year-old firefighter who shielded his daughters from the gunfire and was killed. I also hold in my prayers all those injured whose names we do not know.

We may be on opposite sides on many issues, but this evil must stop.

So, it seems appropriate that my topic for this afternoon is love. Love is the only answer to many questions, and love is the way of Jesus.

But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

The Ten Commandments, as revealed to us by God and recorded in Scripture, are divided into two groups. The first group instructs us how to relate to God, and the second group instructs us how to relate to one another. Jesus taught that by loving our neighbor, we love God, and by loving God, we have no choice but to love our neighbor.

I recently saw a post about this passage on Facebook, and it went something like this: Jesus was pretty clear about who we were supposed to love, everybody including, although it does not specify so here, our enemies.

There was a response that said Jesus might have been clear, but Jesus did not say how we were supposed to love and to what degree. Now, this is tricky because, in Greek, there are no less than five words for love, all having a different degree. There is brotherly love, friendly love, and erotic love. In English, we have one word: love. The same word I use to say I love hamburgers is the one I use to say I love my spouse.

But you see, Jesus was very clear about how we are to love others and treat others. He says so right there in the passage I read: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” We are to love people as we want people to love us and treat people the way we want to be treated.

What does Paul have to say about this? Last week, I had a funeral, and the passage the family selected was from Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth. This is usually a wedding passage because it mentions love, but the family thought this summarized their brother.

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

We can say all the right things and do all the right things, but if we don’t do it with and from a position of love, it is not being done for the right reasons. We do not serve those on the margins; we do not speak up for those who have no voice; we do not feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit those in prison out of duty but out of love. Everything Jesus did, every step he took and every word he spoke from out of love. If we want to call ourselves followers of Jesus and say we love God, then we have no choice but to love.

The story of creation is recorded in the Book of Genesis. It is a story of love, but there is something interesting to look at. During the first portion of creation, God speaks, and something happens. God speaks and separates light from darkness, water from land, every plant, and every animal.

But when it comes to humanity, God does not speak; God does. Scriptures tell us that with God’s own hands, God formed humanity from the dust of creation. God formed humanity in God’s own image and likeness but did not stop there; God breathed his breath, his ruah, into the nostrils of this new creation. God’s breath, which the ancients believed was the soul, was breathed into humanity and animated humanity. No other part of creation has this intimate relationship with the creator.

In the end, God sat back, looked at all of creation, and exclaimed, it is Good!  All of it, every part of it, was and is good.

We love others because they, like us, have been created in the image and likeness of God and given the divine spark when we drew our first breath. God’s spirit lives in each of us. We are not only the hands and feet of Christ; we are the face of Christ, and we are the image of God. We have to be able to look at the other and see Christ in them

Who do we love? Try this experiment. Close your eyes and think of the worst imaginable person you can think of. It can be someone you know personally or someone from history. Picture that person in your mind. That is the person you are to love. It’s not easy, but it’s not supposed to be.

So, the other part of this is that we love because God loves us. Again, hear St. Paul.

“I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

What separates us from God’s love, nothing!

For me, it comes down to love. Is what I am preaching pushing forward this idea of love? Are my actions showing God’s love toward everyone? Do the things I say and the things I support show love or something else? Our job is to love, break down barriers, and build larger tables.

I am fond of Bishop Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. Bishop Curry is on a mission to show people God’s love and to show the benefits to our lives when we love.

My favorite quote, which I used to end my sermon today, is this. The way of Jesus is the way of love. And the way of love will change the world.

Let us go forth from this place, determined to change the world by loving more.


Political Violence is Never Right

Mark 6:14-29
Preached at St. Nicholas United Methodist Church Hull, Massachusetts
July 14, 2024

This morning, I was going to begin a series on worship based on the lectionary readings from 2nd Samuel. However, the day’s events have changed my course and topic for this morning.

In my twenty years of ministry, I have changed sermon topics on at least a dozen occasions, either the morning of the sermon or while driving to the church. As I reflect on those times, all of them involved a gun.

Do I need to stand here this morning and say that gun violence has gotten out of hand in America?  Is it possible that we love guns so much we are willing to sacrifice more lives so that I can own an AR-15? What anyone needs to own a weapon like this goes way beyond my capacity to reason.

But yesterday, our love of guns and political rhetoric took an evil and nasty turn. Lord knows I am no fan of the former president, and I pray he does not get elected, but this is not the way we settle differences; we must be better than this.

I oppose the former president with every fiber of my being, but I never want to see him or anyone in his family be the target of harm. My prayer last night and this morning is for his health and safety and those injured and killed. I especially pray for the family of the shooter as they try and make some sense of all of this.

But on the other hand, I have to ask the question, are we surprised by this?  Just this past week, a right-wing activist hoping to become the former president’s “secretary of retribution,” released a “hit list” of more than 300 targets. Most names on the list are media types, politics, and judges, who all came down on the other side of where the former president lands.

But the problem is not these guys; there have always been whack jobs advocating for political candidates; the problem is those who listen to them and get radicalized to the point they feel they need to do something. So, they travel to Washington and decide to take over the Capitol building or take a shot at a presidential candidate.

I also need to say that you are wrong if you are celebrating what happened yesterday. There is nothing to celebrate, nothing at all. There is nothing remotely Christian about any of this. This is not a time for celebration; this is a time for mourning.

We also need to pause and acknowledge our grief. Grief for what we have lost and grief for what we have become. But I also grieve for the man who was killed. He was someone’s son, brother, husband, father, and friend. He was having a good time and did not deserve this, and his family did not deserve this. We are better than this. We must be better than this.

But in some sort of weird lectionary timing, we have a story this morning about another political assignation: the murder of John the Baptist. However, this story is not just about the end of John the Baptist; this story is about corruption, a leader’s corruption, and his family’s corruption. This story is about how one person would go to great lengths to silence a political foe.

As you know, John the Baptist is the cousin of Jesus. John was about six months older than Jesus; tradition refers to him as John the Forerunner. John was the one who came to announce that Jesus was coming. He lived a wild life. Scripture tells us he wore clothes of camel hair and ate whatever he could find. He called people to repentance, and, as his name would suggest, he baptized people.

But John was clear in his message: he was not the Messiah that man was yet to come. John’s job was to prepare things like the warmup act before the main band came out to play.

John had gotten himself on the wrong side of King Herod. You see, John would call people out for their behavior, and it did not matter if one was a pauper or a king; you did wrong, and John called you out for it. What was Herod’s crime? He married his brother’s wife. He divorced his wife and married the wife of his brother. By all accounts, she was willing to go along with this deal.

This King Herod was the grandson of another King Herod, Herod the Great. Herod the Great ruled over a unified Kingdom, but he divided it among his relatives when he died. Our Herod, called Antipast, was sort of a sub-king, but he wanted to restore his grandfather’s Kingdom, and it did not matter who got in his way. Herod wanted to be not only King of Jews but also known as a friend of the Romans.

Herod needed to gain the attention of Rome. After all, he was the King of a place no one had heard of and to which no one wanted to go. To be sent to Galilee meant you had fallen out of favor with Cesar. This was not a nice place to live and work. So, Herod launched an ambitious building program. He was going to make Galilee a great city, a big city, and he was going to make the Romans pay for it.

In those days, marriages were arranged to advance the family, so Herod married an Arabic Princess who would form a political alliance. But Herod fell in love with his brother’s wife and, much to the anger of the Princess’s family, divorced her so he could marry again.

The other problem Herod had was a problem of legitimacy; Herod’s family came to the throne when Marck Anthony convinced his superiors back in Rome that Herod the Great, who was not called Herod the Great at the time, would make a good King. But Herod’s new wife, who happened to be called Herodias, came from a Jewish dynastic line, so their marriage lent some credibility to his claim to the throne. This is all starting to sound very Game of Throneish to me.

As one can imagine, none of this sat very well with the Jews whom Herod claimed to rule. Although divorce was tolerated in some circumstances, this was not one of them. But what can you do about a leader who has been married a few times? The Romans liked Herod, so they looked the other way as long as he kept the peace in Galilee.

The religious writer Dianna Butler Bass summarizes what happens next. “John the Baptist wasn’t just a religious zealot who opposed divorce and remarriage. He charged Herod with ignoring Jewish law. And, in doing so, highlighted the corruption of these two idolatrous dynasties joined in this unholy matrimony. John wasn’t only attacking Herod for having sex with the wrong person (his brother’s wife) but for both being in bed with the Romans.

John didn’t accuse him of sexual immorality. By going after this scandalous marriage, John attacked Herod’s entire imperial project of collaborating with Rome while trying to gain religious legitimacy with the Jews to further his ambition. Herod could ill afford the bad publicity. The Arabic Kingdom to his south was already angry at him for divorcing and exiling their Princess; he couldn’t risk angry local Jews at the palace gates.”

Words have the power to persuade you to do things you might not otherwise want to do. This power of persuasion can be a good thing. We preachers use our words to persuade those listening to pursue a different course in their lives. My entire ministry is geared toward helping people see that we walk with Christ when we care for those on the margins and love everyone. I am unsure how successful I have been; sometimes, I feel like I have failed, but we soldier on.

Then there are those who use their power to corrupt. Those who preach hatred. Those who preach that some people are less human just because they look, act, believe, or love differently. They use their power to make us afraid of those who are different. And sometimes, their words move people to perpetrate acts of violence on those people they are afraid of.

Now, I cannot blame them; they have been repeatedly told that those who are different are responsible for their lot in life. They are the reason they lost their job or that they are coming for their job. They have been told that the ones who are different are getting stuff that they should be getting. They believe them because they have been repeatedly told that they are animals and should be treated as such. This language, this rhetoric, is the same that was used to justify slavery and the Holocaust.

The leader becomes Charismatic when they say things you want to hear, when they speak your language, and when they make you feel better about yourself. When they tell you it was someone else’s fault, you lost your job rather than the fact that you decided to try and overthrow the government rather than come to work. And sometimes, that charismatic leader gets you to drink the Cool Aide, hide in a shack in Wacco, or take revenge on their political enemies.  All the while, the leader hides, like a coward, behind their Constitutional right to say whatever they want. How many more lives must be destroyed because one man is a sore loser?

But I cannot place all the blame at one person’s feet. We did not get to where we are because of the ramblings of a failed political candidate. We got to where we are because we let it happen. I believe we got here because we stopped listening to each other and started talking over each other.

Let me say this as loud as I can: It does not matter who started it or which side began the moral decay in which we now find ourselves. What matters is that we need to be the ones to stop it. It needs to stop, and it needs to stop right now.

Now, we do not need to listen to every conversation. I will not listen to a conversation with someone who believes others are less than or deserve less. Not all points of view are equal, nor do all points of view need to be given time. Some beliefs need to crawl back under the rock they climbed out from under.

But with that said, we have lost the ability to have rational discussions. Politics has always been nasty. No one likes to see the sausage made, but at the end of the day, most politicians did what was best for the country, not what was best to get them reelected or to keep their party in power. The word politics comes from Latin, which means of the people or what is best for the people.

This afternoon, I will be preaching at Asbury Grove in Hamilton, Massachusetts. The Grove was founded as a Methodist camp more than 100 years ago. Nicky and I own a cottage there; it is a wonderful place to spend time. I was instructed not to preach about anything controversial or political. Well, try as I might, I cannot find anything in Scripture that is not controversial or political.

So here is the problem: We cannot have conversations about controversial or political topics because we have been told not to for generations. We have lost the art of conversation.

A recent law in Louisiana requires that each public school classroom display the Ten Commandments. First, the version the law requires to be posted cannot be found anywhere in Scripture. Second, why not focus on the words of Jesus rather than the words of the law?

We have not forgotten how to make laws and ensure that some people obey them; we have forgotten about mercy, justice, and, most importantly, love. Jesus said he was giving us a new commandment: to love God and love our neighbor, and yes, our neighbor included those we consider our enemies.

But Jesus did not stop there. Jesus said all the law and the prophets hang on this new commandment. Jesus’ entire ministry was about love and how to love. Everything Jesus did was from a position of love. Jesus taught that by loving our neighbor, we would love God.

The Commandments, the ones listed in Scripture anyway, are divided into two groups: one about our relationship with God and the other about our relationship with others. Love God, love neighbor. We don’t steal from those we love, harm those we love, pass legislation that harms those we love, or support people whose words and actions harm those we love.

Friends, we are in a horrible mess. It has been said that our country has not been this divided since the Civil War, a war that was fought over how we treat others. We did not get here overnight, and the Lord knows it will take a long time to climb out of this hole.

But can we decide right now that we will be part of the solution rather than continuing to be part of the problem? Can we decide that we will love just a little bit more? Rather than tell that joke, we say something nice. I do not hate those I oppose; I don’t understand them and may not like what they stand for, but I do not hate them.

Jesus was murdered for political reasons, Jesus upset the status quo. Jesus, like John the Baptist, held people accountable for their actions, but Jesus did it in a way that showed mercy, justice, and love, which upset the establishment. Jesus’ love was so radical and controversial that it had to be stopped.

Friends, love is my mission. I have this radical notion that everyone should be treated the same. I believe in a God whose capacity for love is so great we cannot understand it. I believe that God loves us no matter what and that if we love God, we will try to express that same sort of love towards others.

I am sad this morning. I had planned a sermon about the glories of worship and why we worship our awesome God, but that all changed when a misguided 20-year-old soul, created in the image and likeness of God, pulled the trigger of a gun, pointed at another soul created in the image and likeness of God.

The madness has to stop. We are better than this. Ghandi said if you want change, you have to be that change. If we want more love, we need to have more love. Let us go from this place today and love a little more.

The way of Jesus is the way of love. And the way of love will change the world. Amen.

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